Resources - Robotic Devices


ST Robot R17

R17 (Deucaleon) is a low cost entry to robotics, fast, accurate and reliable and easy to program. It has a long reach and therefore a larger and much more useful workspace than comparable machines. Originally designed by a Russian engineer in our Cambridge location, the mechanics are simple and phenomenally reliable. There are R17 Mk1s in service which have been running 3 shifts a day for ten years without failure; in fact we give a 2 year warranty. The R17 is a complete self-contained five axis vertically articulated robot arm system designed as a cost effective solution for processes requiring long reach or difficult access. Applications include product testing, sample handling, parts handling, machine feeding, welding, spraying, sound measurement and many more. It is easy to apply and program yet is capable of the most intricate tasks.

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Lego Robots – Mindstorms NXT

The main component in the kit is a brick-shaped computer called the NXT Intelligent Brick AKA(Ciara). It can take input from up to four sensors and control up to three motors, via a modified version of RJ12 cables, very much similar to but incompatible with RJ11 phone cords. The plastic pin to hold the cable in the socket is moved slightly to the right. The brick has a 100×60 pixel monochrome LCD display and four buttons that can be used to navigate a user interface using hierarchical menus. It has a 32-bit ARM7TDMI-core Atmel AT91SAM7S256 microcontroller with 256KB of FLASH memory and 64KB of RAM, plus an 8-bit Atmel AVR ATmega48 microcontroller, and bluetooth support. It also has a speaker and can play sound files at sampling rates up to 8 kHz. Power is supplied by 6 AA (1.5 V each) batteries in the consumer version of the kit and by a Li-Ion rechargeable battery and charger in the educational version.


Permobil C500 VS Power Stand-Up Wheelchair

The C500 VS is the ideal wheelchair for both indoor and outdoor use. The VS seat (Vertical Seat) gives you a completely new look on life. Just pressing a button opens up a variety of new possibilities for daily life.The C500 manoeuvres easily in small and crowded spaces. The adjustable, independent suspension ensures a smooth ride. Just like the C400 VS the seating system of the C500 VS has stand-up programmes that can be set as required. These programmes offer an optimal way for the user to get into a standing position. In addition, with the C500 VS there is the possibility of programming your preferred seating positions which can be implemented by pressing a button.